Wednesday, August 26, 2009

5 Natural Ways to Fight Off Eczema

If you suffer from eczema, you want and need to seek relief. You may opt for expensive over-the-counter products or try prescriptions recommended by your doctor. These may work, but don’t discount natural ways to fight off eczema. Luckily, there are many natural remedies that have proven effective for treating eczema, 5 of which are outlined below.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #1 – Bathe Properly

Proper bathing and showering is key to not only treating eczema, but preventing more outbreaks. Most medical professionals recommend short showers or baths. Lukewarm water with no bath bubbles is advised. Eczema suffers should also limit the amount of scented shampoo, conditioner, and soap they use. Opt for all-natural or organic instead. Although not necessarily an all-natural cure, lotions and creams should be applied immediately following a bath or shower to lock in the moisture.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #2 – Drink Plenty of Water

Lukewarm baths and showers have their benefits because they moisturize the skin. Lotions and creams can help keep this moisture locked in. Don’t just moisture your body from the outside, but the inside too. The most natural and easiest way to do so is to drink lots of water. Keep your body hydrated and it will help your skin, making eczema easier to manage.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #3 – Take Oatmeal Baths

Above it was stated that short baths and showers are recommended. The only exception to this is when oatmeal is used. Oatmeal tends to have a calming effect on the skin. There are all-natural oatmeal bath product sold at most department stores and drug stores, but you can easily make your own mixture. Honestly, the oatmeal sold at supermarkets will do. Add two or three cups to a bathtub filled with lukewarm water.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #4 – Watch What You Need

Watching what you eat is a natural way to fight off eczema. Unfortunately, you may run into some problems. You want to eat skin healthy foods, but some of these foods may trigger an outbreak or flare-up. For example, fruits are known to help against premature aging, but seeded fruits are a common eczema cause. You should keep a daily log of your food and drink consumption. Use this to determine what you ate or drank before each outbreak. If you notice a pattern, permanently adjusting your eating habits.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #5 – Use All Natural Supplements

All-natural supplements have proven helpful in many eczema patients. In fact, some swear by them. What you want to do is research natural supplements that can help treat or cure eczema. Good examples include fish oil, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Then, work on adding these supplements into your diet. Do so slowly and one at a time, so you know which works and which doesn’t. Supplements come in over-the-counter format, but most are found naturally in foods too.

Research has shown that all-natural eczema treatment systems, such as Eczema Free Forever, are a successful way to seek relief. You can learn more at EczemaFreeForever

Monday, August 10, 2009

Your Natural Eczema Treatment

Eczema can be a real problem in our daily life can have serious consequences, and exactly stop your life as you want. Many people believe that the decision that they receive from their doctors are bad or just old or simply does not work. If all your friends, try some natural tips below you will be surprised how effective they are.

Blueberry Leaf Extract-

Natural ingredients in blueberry leave have different effects on your eczema. They use the type of acid called chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic Acid Mother Nature's own natural anti-drugs. This means that, in principle, wherever you feel discomfort or swelling, apply the extract in the cream or lotion form, and you will reduce symptoms. Your local health or Wellness must preserve bilberry extract in many forms.

Flaxseed Oil-

The jury’s still out on the taste this material, but there will be a little argument about the impact of this on your skin. This is not only useful in reducing eczema; it can also improve the health of your skin naturally. But it will take some time to show results, So many people facing problems with dosage. This is different to person to person depending upon their problem. So it is better to get advice from your doctor.

Moisturization of the affected area-

In short, the more moisture in your skin, the less it can split and crack and itch and fatigue. In eczema sufferer, the more you can get these things better. Typically, the more you can hydrate better, but at least twice a day should give you some real relief. Best moisturize time is immediately after having bath, DAB a dry soft towel and apply directly to wet skin moisturizing. This will help you block humidifier in the skin and gives you more benefits.

These good tips which i mentioned in this post i.e Your Natural Eczema Treatment help you to manage your eczema or psoriasis naturally. If you want to cure your eczema forever, you need to switch with any one of the books which I mentioned right side of the post what are you waiting.

Friday, August 7, 2009


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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Natural Remedies for Curing Allergies

Hi when i decide to write about natural eczema treatment, i came to know some interest things about allergy, so i am writing this.
The term “allergy” can be defined as the sensitiveness of body to a particular food, substance or odour which primarily does not affect other persons. There are many such substances that cause allergies.

These allergic substances are such that when the patient comes in contact with them, they cause adverse reactions within a specific time period say hours or even days. Allergies affect almost any organ or part of the body.

There are varied symptoms of allergy as the substances causing the allergy. These include nervousness, irritability, depression, migraine, dizziness, sneezing, diabetes, eczema, neuralgia, constipation, indigestion, diarrhoea, overweight, high blood pressure, heart attacks and swelling of the face and eyes. The various substances which produce these allergies are dust, pollen, animal hair, cosmetics and drugs. Food allergies are mostly caused by chocolates, milk, wheat, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes, and strawberries.

The main important causes of allergy are consumption of processed foods, which are full of addictives that cause powerful reactions. Imbalances of diet also cause an allergic condition. In addition to this, excessive intake of refined sugar can cause a breakdown in the body’s ability to handle sugar and consequent blood sugar irregularities.

Stress can also lead to allergies. Even through chronic stress, a person can become sensitive to foods or other allergic substances.

Nature Cure for Allergies: The treatment should first commence with finding out the substance or substances that cause allergies. This task is difficult, but not an impossible one. Secondly once the specific substance is identified it should be avoided. The last and most important task is to build up resistance and natural immunity of the body to maintain general health and fitness.

Disturbing foods can be detected by two methods. In the first method proper emphasis should be placed on the elimination of organic, untreated processed foods as far as possible. This will protect you from another set of hazards such as various sprays, pesticides and poisons.

After eliminating as many disturbing factors as possible, a proper self search should be made to find out if there are any suspicious symptoms produced by any foods. Until the cause is detected it is advisable to avoid all such suspected foods.

Another way of finding out the cause of allergy is by checking your pulse before meal. Then restrict your meal to only one food and after waiting for half an hour, again take a pulse test. A slight increase in the pulse is considered normal but if it rises above 84 and remains high for an hour or so, you may be allergic to that specific substance.

Another effective way to overcome or prevent allergies is by taking five drops of castor oil in a little water or juice on an empty stomach in the morning. It is highly beneficial for allergies in the nasal passage, intestinal tract and skin. Numerous cases of allergic protection have been reported by the use of this method.

For those suffering from allergies, boosting the natural body reserves of alkalines by the use of alkaline forming foods is essential as the body requires large alkaline reserves for its daily activities. These alkaline reserves can compensate with the many emergencies of acid formation throughout the day from mental stress, wrong foods, fatigue and lack of sleep.

Foods that should be excluded from our day to day diet are alcohol, colas, tea, coffee, chocolates, sweets, cheese, butter, tobacco, flavouring preservatives and chemical addictives. Toxic accumulation or over stimulation of adrenal glands is caused by these foods and they even disturb the blood sugar balance.

Vitamins such as “B” and “C” should be taken in adequate quantities as they offer great relief to allergy sufferers. These vitamins strengthen cell permeability and immunize the body from various allergies, especially hay fever. Proper intake of Vitamin E is also essential as it possess effective anti allergic properties depicted by most of the recent studies.

Physical resistance power of the body should also be strengthened for preventing allergies. The patient can begin this treatment by fasting on fresh fruit juices for 5-6 days. These juices provide a healthy mechanism of building up the immune system and increase tolerance for fighting against allergies. After the juice fast the patient can take a diet of fruits and vegetables such as apples, grapes and carrots for about a week. Protein foods can be introduced after the fourth week one at a time. In case there is any allergic reaction to the newly introduced food, it should be discontinued and a different food must be tried.

In case of allergies which occur due to an element of stress, it is necessary to employ proper methods such as meditation, relaxation, exercise and mind control. Yogic asanas such as ardhmatsyendrasana, yogamudra, sarvangasana, shavasana and anuloma viloma pranayama are also very helpful.

Thus we can conclude that allergic conditions attack many people and we can overcome and prevent it by effectively applying various methods of nature cure.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eczema / Atopic Dermatitis

CLICK HERE TO SEE LARGER VIEWAtopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a chronic skin that causes areas of red, itchy skin. This condition usually starts in early childhood, especially when there is a family history of atopy (asthma, hay fever, conjunctivitis, or food allergies). The skin fails to hold in moisture, becomes dry, then inflamed, itchy and often infected. Various combinations of factors cause the dryness. Allergies leading to an overactive immune system and hereditary dry skin (ichthyosis vulgaris) are the most prominent internal and external factors.

To treat this disease you need to work with the doctor in identifying and reducing those factors in your or your child's life that trigger of flare-up the disease. These are different for each person, so no one therapy is appropriate for all eczema patients. You need to watch for some of the following possible exacerbating factors are Irritants, Allergens and Infections


CLICK HERE TO SEE LARGER VIEWYour skin is dry, not because it lacks grease or oil, but because it fails to retain water. Therefore, to correct dryness, water is added to the skin, followed by a grease or oil-containing substance to hold the water in.

Soaking the affected area, in a basin, bath, or shower, for 15-20 minutes using lukewarm water, can help to hydrate the skin. Hot water dries out the skin. Then, remove excess water by patting with a soft towel. Avoid vigorous use of a washcloth in cleansing. When toweling dry, do not rub the skin. Blot or pat dry so there is still some moisture left on the skin, and immediately apply a moisturizing cream (Eucerin Cream, Moisturel Cream, Cetaphil Cream). Moisturizing lotions contain some water, so they do not work as well. Use of moisturizers without first trapping in water is much less effective. Many patients find that two or three additional applications of moisturizers during the day give additional help.

Tar Preparations

Tars and extracts of crude coal tar are often used to reduce the amount of topical steroids needed in chronic maintenance of eczema. A pharmacist can make up One to five percent LCD (Liquor carbonis detergens) in a cream. Tar gel products (Estar Gel and Psorigel) are available, but they contain alcohol and may cause burning and irritation on already red and inflamed skin.


CLICK HERE TO SEE LARGER VIEWTopical steroids are particularly useful to treat flare-ups of eczema. They help keep down the inflammation and itching. Apply them just on the rash (instead of the oil recommended above) especially after a soak or bath. Do not use topical steroids more than twice a day. Your pharmacist can provide topical steroids in large jars to reduce the cost.

 Hydrocortisone ointment or cream can be used for eczema in infants and young children, or in skin folds in adults. More potent topical steroids should not be used on thin-skinned areas of the face, neck, axilla, and groin. Short, supervised courses of medium potency topical steroids creams are safe and effective for flares of eczema on other parts of the body. Adverse effects of long term topical steroids include thinning of the skin (atrophy), a change in the color of some skin (depigmentation), and acne-like eruptions.
A newer class of topical drugs are the 'topical immunomodulators' or TIMs. These locally calm down the immune system similar to topical steroids. However they don't have the side effect of steroids in that they do not cause thinning of the skin with long term use. There are currently two of these drugs available: Protopic (tacrolimus) Ointment and Elidel (pimecrolimus) Cream. They can be used in patients two years of age or older.
Ultraviolet Light

Ultraviolet light (UVB or PUVA) therapy may be of some help in chronic eczema that does not respond well to other therapy. UVB and PUVA require three per week and must be used under professional supervision. However, avoid sunburn and hot or humid conditions that might make your skin even itchier. The risks of UVB or PUVA are sunburn and increased risk of skin cancers if used for too long.


Itching is often the most aggravating of all your eczema symptoms. Antihistamines may provide some relief. The antihistamines reduce scratching mainly through tranquilizing and sedative effects. It takes several weeks of use on a regular basis to help. This is because scratching aggravates the eczema, keeping it from healing. Cutting nails, and using cotton gloves at night can minimize scratching. For children, knee-high socks are better than gloves, because they are harder to accidentally pull off during sleep. The topical use of antihistamines such as benadryl should be avoided, because it is ineffective and may produce allergic reactions. Menthol or Pramoxine containing products such as Aveeno cream, Pramasone cream/lotion or Prax lotion may offer additional help.

Evolving treatments

Recently treatments with drugs that work on a system that is related to the one Aspirin works on have been used for asthma. These medications have few side effect (an occasional headache mostly) and show good result in a little under half the people treated. Adults are usually given Accolate (zafirlukast) 20mg twice daily, children over 6 years get Singulair (montelukast) 5mg chewable daily and younger get 1/2 of 5mg chewable tab per day. About a third of the most severe eczema patients will improve with the drug Plaquenil. All will clear completely within weeks if given cyclosporin, but long term damage to the kidneys prevents its use except for short periods.


Oral steroids should be minimized because of the seriousness of their side effects and the potential for severe flares of eczema when they are discontinued. If these are used for severe flares, then intensified skin care will help to suppress the flaring of the eczema during a taper from oral steroids.

Therapy of Acute Flares

The doctor may suggest hospitalization simply because it may be necessary to break the cycle of chronic inflammation, or other problems that are exacerbating the illness. Frequently, five or six days of vigorous in-hospital treatment care can result in a dramatic clearing of the eczema. Food tests, allergy skin testing, and the development of an outpatient therapy plan can all be done during the hospitalization. Unfortunately, getting approval from insurers is often difficult. During an acute flare the number of 15-20 minute baths must be increased to three or four per day. Besides hydrating the skin, baths also increase the penetration of topical medication up to ten-fold if the medicine is applied immediately after the bath. Wet wraps after baths may also help hydration and medicinal penetration. Bedtime wet wraps are most practical, and can be done with elasticized gauze followed by ace bandages or double pajamas. (The first pair of pajamas is worn damp but not soaking wet, and a second pair of dry pajamas is worn over them. For a tighter fit, sometimes a plastic sauna suit is used instead of the dry pajamas.) For feet and hands, socks can be used. Additional blankets or increased room heat may be necessary during this three to seven days to prevent chilling.
Still expecting  More Information catch me at Natural eczema treatment

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Safe and Easy Natural Eczema Treatments for Babies That Work Quickly

It is one thing when adults be afflicted by the discomfort and itch of eczema, but it is worse when infants have to deal with it. As an adult, you can resist the temptation to itch, but babies don't have that kind of self control. And as a consequence, eczema in babies can become an even more serious problem.

The problem is; many of the physician recommended lotions contain steroids and other unpleasant chemicals. And, as the person responsible for your children you may not desire to use a number of these doubtless dangerous remedies. Following, I have focused on a couple of cures for eczema in babies that are powerful enough to work, but safe enough for your baby. There are a large amount of ways to treat eczema; from expensive pharmaceutical drugs to natural products like vegetables, herbs, or tropical plants. It's up to you regarding which solution for eczema in babies that is your kind of thing. for you.

Place a humidifier in the baby's room. It'll create additional moisture in the air. This technique helps thousands of eczema sufferers and is a totally natural solution. The baby's skin cells will absorb the additional moisture and relieve some of the discomfort and itch.

Some kinds of clothing may inflame the eczema in babies. In most cases, natural cotton clothing is less irritating than other man made materials. Replace some of their artificial clothing with items that are made made from natural cotton fibers. This straightforward solution can offer important improvement for eczema in babies and make them feel a lot more comfortable.

There are a number of natural eczema treatments for eczema in babies that you can make at home. The juice from a cucumber, when mixed with standard milk and natural bee's honey is useful for many . The juice from an Aloe Vera plant is also a good remedy. It's an amazing natural moisturizer and will help heal and relieve the itching sensation. Aloe Vera is most commonly used for burns, but it may also be used for eczema in babies. Just be certain that you don't use too much so it doesn't get in the baby's eyes.

One of the best and safest natural cures for eczema in babies can actually begin to cure the disease in just a couple of days. It is a completely natural product and is excellent for eczema in babies. Download the details on this safe natural remedy for Eczema in Babies!

All about eczema and natural eczema treatment

The skin is the largest human organ and it has various functions: it’s our physical boundary that
separates and still connects us to the outside world, and it also brings us in contact with our
Skin is a reflective surface of all our internal organs. Every disturbance of those organs is
projected onto the skin.
The energetic view of the skin is connected to the lungs.
Lungs dominate water passages which are responsible for moisture reaching the surface of the
Most important functions of the skin are :

  1. Separation and protection
  2. Touch and contact
  3. Expression and representation
  4. Sexuality
  5. Respiration
  6. Excretion
  7. Temperature regulation.

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin usually characterized by redness, swelling, blister
formation, and oozing and almost always by itching. The term eczema, which formerly
referred to the blistered, oozing state of inflamed skin, has by common usage come to have
the same meaning as dermatitis .

Causes and symptoms

Eczema is a non-contagious, inflammatory skin disease .
Errors in diet, and systemic poisoning associated with a disturbance of the balance of the
tissue salts in the body, are the most likely causes of eczema .
Eczema in its early stage can be recognized by the appearance on any part of the body of
small vesicles which mature, rupture, and discharge a serum, which as it dries forms dry
scales or small crusts.
Some forms of eczema are dry, and others continually ooze or weep
under the crusts. The skin between the vesicles is inflamed, red, and itching (or burning
Pus formation and discharge occurs only from a secondary infection and through
neglect of proper measures.


Care must be taken to keep the skin clean, yet soap may have to be avoided because it aggravates the condition in many cases.
A bland, non-irritating ointment applied to the parts will reduce inflammation and Itching.
The diet must be carefully studied for the purpose of eliminating the foods which cause aggravations. The kidney functions can be promoted by drinking an abundance of water.
Eczema is a generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin. Conditions may present as
erythematous, edematous, papular, vesicular, or crusting. The conditions may progress to
lichenification, and scaling. They may be categorized according to endogenous and exogenous
causes with the latter further divided into light reactive and non-light reactive.

  • atopic dermatitis is a chronic, itching, superficial inflammation of the skin, which often occurs in people who have a history of allergic conditions like asthma or hay fever

Different types of eczema include: Asteototic eczema, Atopic eczema, contact eczema, Eczema papulosum, pustulosum, rubrum, sclerosum, siccum, varicosum, infant eczema


  • varied; stress, fatigue, and nutrient deficiency all play a role in allowing endogenous or exogenous irritants to cause uncomfortable skin conditions; herpes simplex or vaccination sequelae may lead to grave complications; when acute, the patient should not be vaccinated or exposed to people who have active herpes or have recently been vaccinated

Signs and symptoms

  • itching
  • redness
  • papules or pustules
  • dry, cracked skin
  • patches of dry or desquamated skin
  • high serum levels of IgE antibodies
  • eosinophilia
  • lesions typically affect flexor surfaces, neck, face and hands


  • variable according to etiology; episodes are usually stronger and longer-lasting in the first 5 years of life; later episodes may occur throughout life; medications used in attempt to find relief often cause allergic dermatitis; scratching may lead to infection; scratching may cause wheal which exacerbates pruritus; clinical observation suggests that extended use of suppressive anti-inflammatory medications may result in development of asthma

Homeopathics(Natural eczema treatment)

Agaricus muscarius

  • burning, biting, extreme itching, prickling as from needles, electric-like stitches in the skin
  • small nodules in the skin, < in winter


  • dry, very irritable with constipation

Antimonium crudum

  • thick, hard honey-colored scales, itching when warm
  • burning,
  • < night
  • gastric problems
  • sensitive to cold bathing

Arsenicum album

  • itching, burning, swelling, < cold and scratching
  • dry, rough, scaly skin
  • between fingers and cracks on tips of fingers
  • scaly eruptions on scalp and face with acrid, fetid discharge
  • intense burning and itching


  • on back of hands
  • moist in bends of knees, appearing during full moon

Calcarea carbonica

  • violent itching at all times, < towards morning in bed
  • sensation as if wearing cold damp socks

Calcarea sulphurica

  • dry eczema in kids
  • yellow purulent crusts and scales
  • pimples on the hair which bleed when scratched
  • when pus has found a vent, discharges, suppuration


  • behind ears
  • violent itching
  • filthy, scabby condition with tendency to form thick crust

Cicuta virosa

  • on hairy parts
  • pustules run together, suppuration dries in hard crusts

Clematis erecta

  • vesicular and crusting with purulent or watery secretion followed by scales and crusts
  • rough and firmly adhering crusts to scalp with excoriating yellowish discharge


  • weeping, sticky honey-like fluid
  • on hands, face, lips, behind ears
  • < warmth and at night
  • use low potency
  • deformed nails
  • recurrent herpes

Hepar sulphur

  • moist in folds of skin with itching on bends of joints
  • suppurates easily and pimples form;sensitive to touch, < dry, cold wind > damp and warmth

Kali sulphuricum

  • vesicles with thin, yellow pus
  • inside of hands and fingers
  • lips cracked, < sweets


  • skin is dry and hot
  • scaly eruptions
  • skin excoriated between buttocks
  • weals look as if struck


  • Rough, cracked (flexures)
  • bluish. Suppuration of skin around joints
  • Red elevated spots
  • Chronic eczema, with amenorrhoea, worse menses or menopause
  • Dry hard ulcers
  • Pruritus of diabetes
  • Chronic eruptions, inveterate like psoriasis.


  • eczema in conjunction with asthma
  • eczema since birth
  • history of nappy rash
  • scratch until it bleeds
  • < night
  • worse perspiration
  • worse undressing


  • intolerable itching < in bed and from touch
  • copious, serous exudate
  • head is covered with thick leather-like crusts which collect white pus
  • hair matted together
  • itching eruptions like flea bites
  • brownish miliary rash (like millet seed)
  • vesicles (chicken pox)
  • sensation of cold air in eyes
  • pain in bones
  • < at night
  • desires fat

Nat mur

  • margins of hair
  • oozing, scabby eruptions


  • worse for oranges and citrus fruits
  • Stool passed w/ least amount of flatus.
  • Seborrhea, psoriasis (desquamation) or scalp, especially occiput, margin of hair.
  • Large white scales (dandruff).
  • < Oranges (generally).
  • Emptiness not > eating.
  • Skin easily chaffed, chaped.
  • Headache > looking sideways.


  • yellowish, green thick crusts on face and neck with profuse discharge
  • bloody cracks with no discharge
  • dry, scaly or moist
  • > in summer
  • < cold or winter
  • on hands or behind ears


  • dry, scaly on scalp and face
  • crusts over the scalp
  • hair falls out, oozing lifts the crusts and exposes new vesicles
  • < night from warmth of bed
  • patient low-spirited, unhopeful
  • nauseating sickening odor from oozing fluid
  • is the opposite of general symptoms which are < by cold

Rhus toxicodendron

  • dry with redness, swelling,
  • intolerable itching < by warmth
  • on scalp in infants
  • vesicles suppurate thin watery dark-colored secretion


  • yellow, acrid fluid oozes from under crusts
  • humid itching, fetid eruptions on head and behind ears
  • scratching changes place of itching but increases oozing


  • for all kinds of eczema
  • intense burning, itching
  • < washing or scratching
  • rough, coarse, dry, scaly skin
  • redness around orifices
  • hot
  • hot feet at night
  • skin becomes indurated
  • sluggishness of vascular system, skin repairs badly
  • also sluggish mentally
  • worse for heat, worse for warmth of bed
  • heat on vertex and cold feet
  • sinking hungry sensation at 11 pm
  • desires sweets and alcohol, but agg
  • > cold and open air


  • itching of hands and feet
  • ring-shaped lesions with offensive discharge
  • barbers itch
  • stinging skin
  • on back of ears and occiput
  • offensive foot sweat

Thuja occidentalis

  • after suppression of gonorrhea or after vaccination
  • dirty brown skin covered with itching vesicles

Frickers’ treatment

For dermatitis resulting from antibiotic allergy, they prescribed Sulf & Nux Vomica
12C twice a day in alternation for 2 weeks.
For Neuro dermatitis (eczema on cheeks, neck & hand) always prescribed
Tuberculinum (200C, then 1M, then 10M doses) & sometimes Carcinosin.

Treatment with the Biochemic Remedies (Schussler's Cell Salts):

  • In the first stage for the inflammation , redness, heat and swelling of the skin: Ferrum-Phos
  • Small, white dry scales on the skin, white-coated tongue: Kali-mur
  • Scabs with offensive, irritating secretions, causing soreness and rawness of the parts. Eczema in nervous persons: Kali-Phos
  • Discharges from eruption of thin, yellow matter; Eruption suddenly suppressed, with dry skin: Kali-Sulph
  • Watery eruption, small vesicles with intense itching. Skin dry and cracked. Eruption on flexor surfaces of elbows and knees: Natrum-Mur
  • Eczema with excessive acid conditions . Creamy, honey-colored discharges, golden-yellow crusts: Natrum-Phos
  • Vesicular eruptions with contents like white of egg, associated with anemia: Calcarea Phos
  • Skin thickened and cracked. Eczema about the anus with intense itching: Calcarea Fluor

Dose: Four tablets every hour in acute condition, three or four times daily in chronic eczema.

Other naturopathic treatments

Topical applications to lessen itching (beware of suppression!)

Stellaria medea (chickweed) creams have been known to soothe where others fail

Nutritional and supplements


  • high fiber diet
  • vegan diet
  • hypoallergenic/rotation diet
  • correct low stomach acid


  • foods rich in Vitamins A, B-complex
  • increase omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids


  • food intolerances
  • dairy, meat, alcohol, hot sauces, spicy foods, fried foods, fatty foods, rich foods, salty foods, stimulating foods, coffee, caffeine

Physical therapy for itching

Peroxide bath

  1. run bath at about 100° F
  2. dissolve one tablespoon of potassium permanganate in 1 quart of boiling water, and pour into
  3. bath
  4. stir in 1.5 tablespoons of sulfuric acid
  5. add 16 oz. hydrogen peroxide, causing effervescence
  6. patient sits still in bath, and will experience a mild prickling sensation
  7. maintain water temperature
  8. stay in bath 20 min., then go to bed

Oatmeal bath

  1. place one pound of uncooked oatmeal into gauze and tie around spigot
  2. turn on hot water to fill bath as water runs over oatmeal
  3. once bath is full, put bag of oatmeal in bath water
use one cup of oatmeal ground right in bath

Neutral bath

  1. fill bath with water between 94-98° F; should feel neither warm nor cold
  2. water at this temperature is absolutely non-irritating
  3. time of bath can vary from 10 min. to several hours (can actually last for days, though patient
  4. needs to be taken from bath every 3 hr. and have lanolin applied to skin
  5. terminate bath with cold mitten friction, if going to work
  6. terminate bath by drying skin with soft cloth if going to bed


  • eczema, or any skin condition aggravated by water
  • great cardiac weakness

Mahonia aquifolium

  • use as topical application

Other alternative treatments

Dead Sea treatment

The Dead Sea region is recognized worldwide for its efficacy in the
treatment of dermatological diseases, particularly Psoriasis, Atopic
Dermatitis, Vitiligo, and Mycosis Fungoides.
The following Dead Sea treatments have proved effective


Treatment which exploits the biological effects of the sun's radiation as distinct from
Phototherapy which is an overall term for treatment by light rays from any source, natural or


Treatment which exploits bathing in dead sea water.


Treatment which exploits mineral mud which is black at the Dead Sea.

Psychological factor

Promoting relaxation, reducing stress...
That the treatment is effective is now beyond doubt.
A recent study planned and carried out by a Swiss Association compared
effectiveness and cost of Dead Sea therapy with a comparable course of
conventional therapy performed in Switzerland. It turned out that therapeutic successes were
similar in both groups (83% reduction of lesions at termination of therapy and close to 50%
reduction of lesions after six months). However, the cost of treatment (all expenses
included) were 31 to 55% less in the Dead Sea protocol.
I hope you find the complete information about eczema and natural eczema treatment. still if you are expecting some other valuable information visit Eczema Free Forever.